Assets Over Income
I was watching an interview with Dan S. Kennedy yesterday on the internet. For those of you who have never heard of him, he is a legend in the direct marketing world and has sort of a cult following. Much of his philosophy and his ideas are now used by modern day internet marketers. Even […]
Passive Income
Much of what I write about in this web log will relate to a concept that I believe is critically important for everyone looking for financial security, to consider…MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME. Specifically, I am talking about PASSIVE INCOME. Passive income is income that is generated even when you are sleeping. Passive income is income […]
The Elite School of Hard Knocks
You can have the finest education in the world…even the finest business education but you simply cannot succeed in high level entrepreneurship or investing without spending some time at the School of Hard Knocks. What I mean by this is that the value of learning on the go is simply irreplaceable. Think about it. If […]
Being Rich Versus Being Wealthy
Is there a difference between being rich and being wealthy? Everyone will have a different definition of this if you ask. I remember the comedian, Chris Rock, saying that professional athletes are rich and the people who own the teams are wealthy. I guess that’s one way to look at it. Let me tell you […]
The Illusion of Job Security
I think entrepreneurship…whether that’s starting up a brick and mortar business, investing in real estate, or creating an on-line business is really fun. I’m not kidding. If you ever talk to me in real life I think you will sense my enthusiasm for this stuff. It’s exciting and new all the time. It uses parts […]
Is Retirement Your Goal in Life?
I talk to a lot of my professional friends about work and they all seem to work so hard that it’s a little sad. These are highly successful, highly educated people who have spent the bulk of their youthful years in school who are making a “good living”. They are the vilified “rich” that are […]