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498: What Renewable Energy Looks Like without the Politics

Renewable energy is often discussed in political terms, but here’s a straightforward look at the financial side. In the last decade, solar energy costs have fallen dramatically—by nearly 90% since 2010.  In top markets, solar panel costs dropped from about 29 cents per kilowatt-hour to under 3 cents. By contrast, new coal and gas plants […]

497: Starting from Scratch as a New High Paid Professional

It’s been some time since we did an Ask Buck show, and I realized last week that I have some unanswered questions in the inbox. The first question I read ended up being kind of a broad one, but it made me really think about how it all started for me. I started this podcast […]

496: The Gold Bug Who Got Infected by Bitcoin

I really hope you listened to last week’s episode of Wealth Formula Podcast. If you did, it may have convinced you to get some exposure to bitcoin in your portfolio. And if you did that last week, all I have to say is…WELCOME TO CRYPTO! As of this writing, bitcoin is trading at approximately $84,000, […]

495: What You MUST Know about Bitcoin in the Era of Wall Street and Government Adoption!

To my credit, I was relatively early in my recognition that Bitcoin was for real and that it wasn’t going to zero. It was 2016, and, up to this point, I had the misfortune of hearing only one narrative about Bitcoin—that of Peter Schiff. Peter is a very smart guy and quite convincing if you […]

494: Wealth Formula Community Members Share Their Stories

Hey everyone, On this week’s Wealth Formula Podcast, I’m talking with members of our very own community who are using Wealth Accelerator and Wealth Formula Banking as part of their personal financial plans. They’re going to share their individual journeys – why they chose Wealth Accelerator/WFB, what challenges they faced along the way, and, most importantly, what kind of […]

493: Tax Strategies for High Paid Professionals

People have a misconception of what the tax code is. While there are a few pages devoted to telling you when you must pay taxes, the majority of it is about the situations in which you can avoid them. That’s why it’s important to find a competent tax professional. And that’s not as easy as you […]