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418: Using Math to Your Advantage

In the long run, math is pretty much always right. That’s why insurance companies are so profitable. They make predictions using the law of big numbers. Math can predict pretty much anything. Even Sports! I just re-watched the movie Moneyball about how the Oakland A’s made an improbable run in major league baseball in 2002 […]

417: Market Update from a Former Sovereign Wealth Fund Manager

I feel like I am going through another major transition in my life. I turned 50 last September—a fact that I deliberately chose not to publicize.  I hate to admit it, but much of my behavior is stereotypical divorced midlife crisis stuff. I got a Ferrari, I’ve been working out incessantly and…I’ve been considering adding […]

416: Artificial Intelligence: The Mother of All Technologies

In the latest surge of technological evolution, one titan stands out, reshaping our landscape with the silent swiftness of a revolution: Artificial Intelligence, or AI. It’s a term that sparks a spectrum of emotions, from exhilaration at the dawn of a new era to trepidation about the unknowns it brings along.  As we stand on […]

415: Tax and Return: Judge Glock

“I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Ronald Reagan described those as the most dangerous words in the English language. I generally agree with the Gipper who I have fond memories of extending back to the 1980 presidential election that I watched with interest as a kindergartener. When the government gets too big, […]

414: The Safest Double Digit Returning Investment in History?

When I was fresh out of surgical residency and started to make some money, I started looking for advice on what to do with it.  One of the questions I had was about life insurance. I was a newlywed and had a baby on the way (now she’s in high school by the way). So, […]

413: Social Security Scams and “Retirement” Planning

Retirement means “ceasing to work”. In my case, retirement will describe me when I’ve died. I understand retiring from a particular activity. Like how I retired from the practice of surgery about eight years ago. But global retirement sounds dire. It is like admitting that you are of no real value to the world anymore. […]