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397: Prenups and Postnups: Marital Finance 101

No one getting married thinks that they will ever get divorced. I can tell you that from personal experience. Yet over half of American marriages end up in divorce. I was lucky in that I had an amicable break-up. Most of the divorces I’ve seen in the past few years have been ugly. I have two friends finally get […]

396: Preparing for 2010

The financial meltdown of 2008-2009 feels like ancient history. And like tragedies that happened long ago, it feel more historical and less emotional.  I remember going to Pompeii several years ago and seeing people turned to stone from Mount Vesuvius erupting. It must have been horrific. But time has made it more of a museum […]

395: Tax Free Wealth and the Zombie Apocalypse

I’m not a doom and gloom podcaster as a general rule. There are plenty of those out there predicting the zombie apocalypse. However, I have to say that I’m pretty sure I’ve been seeing some questionable zombiesque characters running around town lately. It has occurred to me, however, that most people are not seeing what […]

394: Beyond Real Estate: How to Cash Flow with Stocks

My portfolio is not what most would call diversified. I am about 70-80 percent real estate, 10-15 percent permanent life insurance and about 10-15 percent higher risk stuff. My only stock exposure is only high-risk stuff like mining companies on the Toronto Stock Exchange. To be clear, I am not advocating for this approach. That’s […]