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389: Back to School: Maybe This is All You Need?

So far in our back-to-school series, we have covered asset protection, estate planning and my capital allocation strategy. Wouldn’t it be great if you could hit all these important concepts with a single investment? Well, as it turns out, you sort of can. Let me back up and tell you a story. When I was […]

387: Lessons from a Sovereign Wealth Fund Manager

Zulfe Ali is a broker dealer and investment advisor—but not your run-of-the-mill type in this field. He’s been in the middle of the action on Wall Street as a mergers and acquisitions guy for JP Morgan and Bank of America in the 90s and ran a multibillion-dollar sovereign wealth fund for over a decade. I’ve […]

385: Should you buy Silver?

Those of you who have been listening to me for a while know that I am not really a precious metals guy. I know the arguments and I respect them. Gold has held its price over an unprecedented amount of time. An ounce of gold got a guy a nice toga and sandals in Roman […]