364: Death Without Taxes
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You know the old saying coined by Ben Franklin, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes”. Longevity science might eventually prove that death is not inevitable but for the time being it is. As for taxes? Well, I’ve spent a lot of episodes talking about tax mitigation while you live and I know for a […]
363: Know, Like and Trust is Not Enough
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I have been at this alternate investment game since I finished surgical residency in 2009. Luckily, since then my wins have significantly outnumbered my losses and I have made a lot more money than I ever did as a physician. But It hasn’t always been smooth sailing. The first apartment building I bought for myself […]
362: Multifamily Real Estate is STILL the Place to Be
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I am going to keep this brief because I have a cold and I don’t want to subject you to Sudafed altered commentary. This week’s Wealth Formula Podcast features an interview with Jay Parsons who is Chief Economist at RealPage. He is an authority on topics affecting multifamily apartments which, of course, is of significant […]
361: The Calm Before the Storm with Harry Dent
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The Fed just raised rates another 25 basis points despite global banking instability and investor angst. This wasn’t a surprise. Curtailing inflation continues to be their primary motivation. How long will the Fed continue to raise rates? Well, inflation has to be clearly under control and/or there must be something else that happens that threatens […]
360: Real Estate Update with Jorge Newbery
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Oh what a mess this economy is! Helicopter money during Covid and supply chain issues brought on inflation like we haven’t seen in decades. To respond to this self-inflicted predicament, the Federal Reserve began raising interest rates at an alarming pace. Never have we seen interest rates rise at this steep of a slope—even in […]
359: A Tax Update with Tom Wheelwright
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If you want to build wealth quickly, you have to learn as much about tax mitigation as you can. Most of these mitigation opportunities are in the world of real estate and business. However, there are creative (and legal) ways to mitigate taxes for W2 employees as well—just not that many. And sometimes it’s not […]
358: The Personalization of Personal Finance
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Why is decentralized finance advantageous? Let’s ask artificial intelligence. As you may recall from last week’s episode, ChatGPT is widely accessible to anyone right now. Here’s the explanation on the value of decentralized finance from the ChatGPT software itself: “Decentralized finance, or DeFi, is advantageous for several reasons: Overall, these advantages make DeFi a compelling […]