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307: What does the War in Ukraine Mean for You?

Americans have always enjoyed the advantage of geographic isolation from much of the Western World. It has allowed us, in many ways, to look at many of the world’s conflicts from a relatively disinterested distance. Who knows if we would have gotten involved at all in World War 2 if not for the bombing of […]

306: Robert Kiyosaki on Vietnam and the Politics of Money

In June of 2008, I graduated from my surgical residency program, got married and discovered Robert Kiyosaki. 14 years later, I’m no longer a practicing surgeon nor am I married anymore. However, the impact of Robert’s books defined the course of my life. It’s really extraordinary when I think about how a single book that […]

305: What is Decentralized Finance?

Distributed ledger technology is revolutionary and creates some problems for the old guard—specifically banks and the traditional financial markets. The young guns creating all of this technology are really shaking things up. But you can bet that the traditional guys who have been making millions of dollars off the old system aren’t giving up easily. […]

304: Will Crypto Kill the New York Stock Exchange?

Disruptive technology always creates casualties. I still remember a few years ago walking in a city with my oldest daughter who was about five or six at the time. We passed an old phone booth and she asked, “Daddy what’s that?”. Think of all the technological dinosaurs that have been forgotten in your lifetime. Records […]

303: ALIEN Thinking for Profit

If you were an alien from another planet visiting who got stuck on earth and had to figure out how to get by you would quickly realize that you would need some money. This would probably lead you to a job which would not be difficult given your extraordinary intelligence. In fact, it might land […]

302: The Next Crypto Revolution?

I still remember listening to the Peter Schiff podcast seven years ago when I lived in Chicago. I was at the tail end of my Austrian Economic phase and so I believed in everything Peter had to say. One day I was sitting there at my computer listening to him make fun of something called bitcoin which […]