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294: Navigating the BOOM/BUST Cycle with Murray Sabrin

A number of people told me that they really enjoyed last week’s podcast interview with William Green, who spoke about what we can learn from the greatest investors of all time. One line that still haunts me is Sir John Templeton saying that the four most dangerous words for an investor are “This time it’s […]

293: Lessons Learned from the Greatest Investors in History with William Green!

Asset prices are booming. We have more than doubled price per door costs on acquisitions made in some markets just two years ago. That’s just what our investor club has seen in real estate. To look at rising asset prices on steroids, just look to the crypto markets. A guy who works out at the […]

292: Dave Liu on Using Psychology to Hack Life for Success and Wealth

When you are trying to figure out how to become more successful in life, don’t try to re-recreate the wheel. Success stories aren’t all the same, but they often rhyme. My first two successful businesses were nothing other than me ripping off other successful business models and giving them a twist of my own. I knew the […]

291: A Shot to Save the World: The Story Behind the Covid Vaccine!

It’s been 2 years since Covid-19 first became the major global topic. I must admit, if you told me back then that we’d still be wearing masks and living our lives with Covid-19 precautions every day, I would have never believed you. So much about this period in time is extraordinary. It’s hard to really […]

290: What are the 7 Deadly Economic Sins?

At the core of every individual’s subconscious there is a wealth thermostat. What sets the temperature is a combination of nature and nurture. Once it’s set, it’s difficult to change it. But if you know you have a thermostat, it’s a lot easier to change your mindset. What do I mean by this? Well, think […]

HNW Charitable Strategies that are PROFITABLE

Last week I did an emergency podcast to make sure everyone is aware of an upcoming change related to the whole life policies we use inside of Wealth Formula Banking. It all revolves around recent changes made to IRC Section 7702, with is the IRS code that dictates how life insurance policies are taxed. Since […]