278: Asset Protection: Everything You Need to Know!
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Once you realize how much you don’t know, you always feel like you’re playing catch up. At least that’s how I feel when it comes to personal finance. Wealthy families often implement family offices to help keep things straight. Theoretically, that’s a great solution. However, from what I’ve seen, family office structures often leave clients […]
277: Investor Roundtable on Wealth Formula Banking
Podcast: Download
Over the last three weeks, you have heard actual members of our Wealth Formula Community talk about their financial journeys. A recurrent theme through these interviews was the concept of Wealth Formula Banking. In case you didn’t notice, all three of these individual investors are essentially using Wealth Formula Banking as the cornerstone of their […]
276: The Purple Pill
Podcast: Download
In June of 2008, I had just completed my surgical residency and gotten married the day after graduation. There was already quite a bit of change in my life. On the way back from my honeymoon, I looked for something to read at the Puerto Vallarta airport—not many choices as you can imagine. Most people […]
275: What’s a Left Field Investor?
Podcast: Download
“Coming out of left field” is a slang derived from baseball which basically references something unexpected. What does that equate to in personal finance? Well, the opposite of something unexpected would be something expected or… conventional. Conventional financial wisdom includes stocks, bonds, and mutual funds as the foundation of a solid, responsible portfolio. Conventional finance […]
274: How to Become a Prolific Investor!
Podcast: Download
In the last few episodes of Wealth Formula Podcast, we have had some serious specialists in the area of Real Estate and Natural Resources. These shows are important because you, as an investor, need to know what’s going on out there so you can make educated decisions about where to deploy your capital. Solid information from […]
272: Dave Steele on Why NOW is the Time to Buy Real Estate!
Podcast: Download
We talk about a lot of concepts on Wealth Formula Podcast related to personal finance and sometimes it can be overwhelming: especially for the newbies in our community. So let me summarize the basics. First, make sure you are protecting your family against the economic fall out of unexpected death. Estate planning, including life insurance, […]
270: Is a Wave of Mortgage Defaults Coming?
Podcast: Download
In recent years, I have made some pretty darn good bets that have made me a lot of money. Now I know you are thinking that I am referring to my investments. And you are correct. But I am not referring to financial investments. The investments that have made me the most money over the […]