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238: THE NEED FOR SPEED: The Western Wealth Way!

Wealth Formula does, in fact, have a mathematical formula behind it.  Wealth=Leverage(MassxVelocity) I believe the key to building your wealth is behind maximizing each one of these variables. Mass is simple. It’s how much money you invest. If you have more money to invest then you are going to create more wealth.  Leverage is critical. […]

237: Is Angel Investing Right for You?

Boring is good. Beware of shiny objects. When it comes to investing, those are the words that I generally live by. When I keep true to this wisdom, I don’t generally lose money. Now that doesn’t mean I have never lost money! Remember, before I became a boring domestic real estate guy, I was a […]

234: What You MUST Know about Estate Planning!

Estate planning is by far and away the most ignored topic amongst the high paid professionals with whom I talk to every day. First of all, it’s not a very sexy issue. Who likes talking about dying anyway? It’s kind of a buzz kill. But I got news for you…eventually you are going to die […]

233: Tom Wheelwright: Change Your Tax By Changing Your Facts!

It’s not what you make but what you get to keep. Think about that for a second. If you are a physician in California that makes $500K per year, do you really make $500K per year? No you don’t. With combined state and federal taxes, you make half of that. The Federal government and the State of […]

232: Real Estate Volatility Ahead?

We are now just a few weeks away from a presidential election. Ordinarily that is, in and of itself, a wildcard for the economy. People tend to freeze up in times of uncertainty. Factor in some kind of October surprise which would not surprise me, on-going COVID-19 fall-out and decreases in government support and who […]

231: Should You Buy a Franchise?

“Saying yes will get you to a million. Saying no will get you to $100 million.” That’s the advice I once got from a very successful centimillionaire friend of mine. And while, on the surface, it may seem like one of those things rich people say to sound profound, I assure you that the power […]