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218: Resilience of Apartment Investments During the Pandemic: Dante Andrade

Robert Kiyosaki’s Real Estate Advisor, Ken McElroy, was kind enough to give his perspective on the current state of apartment investing on last week’s episode of Wealth Formula Podcast. Ken’s perspective on the state of the apartment market was pretty bleak. While there is no doubt I respect Ken’s views, I also think it is […]

217: Ken McElroy: What’s Happening with Multifamily Real Estate?

I have been on the record for a while now anticipating the “tsunami following the earthquake.” In other words, COVID-19 was a destructive economic force but the aftermath may be even worse. The theory is based on historical observations of how these things tend to play out. The problem and potential flaw in the rationale, […]

216: Tom Wheelwright: Update on Taxes and the Economy!

In our latest Wealth Formula Network video conference, a question was asked that I think pretty much all of us have at this point. If the economy is in the tank, why does the stock market seem to be tone-deaf to what’s going on? It’s the elephant in the room, right? Well, I don’t claim to know […]

215: Robert Kiyosaki on the Post-Pandemic Economy!

Robert Kiyosaki is the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, the best selling financial book of all time. He went on to publish several books including Cashflow Quadrant which fundamentally changed my life. To say that Robert Kiyosaki has made an impact in the world is an understatement. He has helped to create a generation of entrepreneurs inspired by his […]

214: Ask Buck Part 3

There were a few questions left in the “Ask Buck” file that have finally been answered! You can listen to the latest episode HERE. The good news is that this format seems to be quite popular. I really do enjoy these virtual interactions and encourage you to keep those questions coming! Enjoy.