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229: Pandemic Got You Down?

People are social animals. We aren’t designed to be wearing masks, not touching each other, and quarantining. Yet for the last six months, that’s been our predicament. At the same time, we are increasing our dependence on digital socializing through social media and have significantly increased our collective screen times and subsequent exposure to toxic […]

228: Should you Invest in Hotels?

It is the second week of September—my birthday week. And…as I reflect on the past 12 months, I can’t help but think, “What a shitty year”. The only solace I take in my reflection is knowing how radically things can change over the course of 12 months. The pendulum just needs to move the other […]

227: Ask Buck Part 3

If you like these “Ask Buck“ shows, you’ve been enjoying the last few weeks. I would love to get some feedback from you as I’m always trying to improve the quality of my content. In the meantime, here is the third and last ask Buck episode of the summer! We will do it again sometime […]

225: Ask Buck

We do a lot of interview based content on Wealth Formula Podcast. However, the feedback I get is that the most learning happens during our “Ask Buck” episodes.   The good news is that we have a bunch of questions lined up so we will do a couple of “Ask Buck” shows in a row […]

224: Multifamily Macroeconomics in the Twilight Zone

“You’re nuts!” That’s what I would say to anyone a year ago who suggested that we would face a global pandemic that would put us in a recession magnitudes greater than 2008 (based on GDP), make all bars and restaurants shut down and cancel professional athletics. I would also think you were nuts if you […]

223: Self-Storage and Why Boring is Sexy

There is a phenomenon in finance that I have witnessed first hand that I find fascinating. The best way to explain it is to tell you about a guy I know out here in California who has been very successful as a fund manager. I asked him once about the expectations of his investors and […]