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214: Ask Buck Part 3

There were a few questions left in the “Ask Buck” file that have finally been answered! You can listen to the latest episode HERE. The good news is that this format seems to be quite popular. I really do enjoy these virtual interactions and encourage you to keep those questions coming! Enjoy. 

213: Ask Buck Part 2

As I mentioned last week, we had a lot of questions piled up in the “Ask Buck” file that I need to get answered. As a result, we ended up with multiple shows. You can listen to the latest episode HERE. The good news is that this format seems to be quite popular. I really do […]

212: Ask Buck Part 1

Ever since this COVID-19 thing started, it seems like there is no other news. Maybe what that tells us is that most of the news we ordinarily get on a daily basis is worthless.  But seriously, doesn’t it seem like the world has just frozen into a COVID-19 coma? My ER doc friends joke that […]

211: Are We Headed Towards a Depression NOW?

“It’s hard to make predictions—especially about the future.” That’s one of my favorite Yogi Berra quotes. It’s funny but also incredibly true. Think about what is happening now with COVID-19. Social scientists make predictions based on assumptions. The epidemiologists are making projections on the spread of the virus even though they have no significant knowledge […]

209: 4 Doctors, a Virus, and a Battered Economy: Part 2

Last episode we talked about the realities of COVID-19—what it is, what makes it so challenging and how dangerous it really is. We also talked about potential medical treatments. In this episode, we go into vaccinations and economic impacts of COVID-19. Listen to Part 1 here: Shownotes: The path to the new normal The […]