171: Sudden Death, Vintage Ferraris and Wealth Formula Banking!
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Everything was fine until I got up from that recliner and walked down the stairs of my parents home to call it a night. Suddenly something seemed very wrong. It was like I was in a dream. I could not keep a thought and my whole body started to feel very heavy. I made it […]
170: How to Deal with Capital Gains Taxes!
Podcast: Download
Is this market hot? Are real estate and equity prices too high? Invariably you are hearing this left and right these days. In fact, I can honestly say that I have been hearing that for at least the last three or four years. My initial response to the impending zombie apocalypse was to stop deploying […]
169: Wealth 2.0: Leverage Your Deductions!
Podcast: Download
At a recent investor conference in Tenafly, NJ, I spoke on the topic of what I call Wealth 2.0. This is my preferred paradigm for investing that can be simplified into the the following equation: Wealth=Leverage(Mass X Velocity) Mass is simply the amount of money that is actually deployed into investments. After all, it doesn’t […]
168: Multidimensional Investing with Tom Wheelwright!
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Learning is an electrical function of the brain. When we first start learning something, our brains start developing connections to integrate that information. Over a period of time, those electrical connections become stronger and stronger giving the perception of something becoming second nature. It isn’t until a basic function becomes second nature that you can […]
167: Are You Ready for an Asset Protection Knife-Fight?
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If you can’t explain it, you don’t understand it. Remember that the next time you look across the table at a financial advisor type and feel confused. Ask yourself if you could explain what you were just told to someone else with some level of confidence. If not, start asking questions because the advisor will […]
166: Should You Invest in Assisted Living Facilities?
Podcast: Download
Let me tell you about another one of my failures. A few years ago, I was listening to a well known podcast and I heard about this concept of turning single family houses into elderly care facilities. The idea sounded pretty compelling so I decided to go to the “course” in Phoenix. In fact, I […]
165: Gray Hair, Peacocks and Unicornomics
Podcast: Download
We recently had a Wealth Formula Network call in which we talked about an offering some members were participating in that I didn’t care for as much. One thing to remember is that smart people can disagree about things without anyone necessarily being wrong. I pointed out some things I avoid when I invest and […]