167: Are You Ready for an Asset Protection Knife-Fight?
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If you can’t explain it, you don’t understand it. Remember that the next time you look across the table at a financial advisor type and feel confused. Ask yourself if you could explain what you were just told to someone else with some level of confidence. If not, start asking questions because the advisor will […]
166: Should You Invest in Assisted Living Facilities?
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Let me tell you about another one of my failures. A few years ago, I was listening to a well known podcast and I heard about this concept of turning single family houses into elderly care facilities. The idea sounded pretty compelling so I decided to go to the “course” in Phoenix. In fact, I […]
165: Gray Hair, Peacocks and Unicornomics
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We recently had a Wealth Formula Network call in which we talked about an offering some members were participating in that I didn’t care for as much. One thing to remember is that smart people can disagree about things without anyone necessarily being wrong. I pointed out some things I avoid when I invest and […]
163: When Bad Debt Happens to Good People with Jorge Newbery
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Debt is like a lethal weapon. It can be used for good and it can be used for greed. It can be used to create wealth and it can be used to destroy it. In short, debt is nothing more than a tool. The problem is that a fool with a tool is still a […]
160: Bull Markets in the Least Ugly Economy in the World!
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I am a lousy trader. I’ve said it before and I fully recognize this fact. That’s why, I try very hard to stay focussed on investing rather than trading. Nevertheless, I still get trapped in behaviors that I invariably regret. For example, you may know that I am a believer in bitcoin. I truly believe […]
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You might remember me talking about a part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex (remember I spent some time in the brain surgery business). The prefrontal cortex is the CEO of the brain. It’s the part that’s really good about making good decisions. For example, if you see a teenager doing something very dangerous […]
157: Harvest Returns
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Back in 2014, two of my medical businesses were KILLING it. I was making money hand over fist. Unfortunately, however, I made a mistake that many entrepreneurs make. Instead of taking money off the table and putting most of it into stable assets, I decided to dump the majority of it back into the business […]