156: Centimillionaire Secrets with Richard Wilson
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Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of questions from investors on how to choose investments—particularly private placements that are readily available to accredited investors. First, let me be clear that there is no magic solution to getting all of your investment picks right. In fact, if you invest long enough, something will go wrong. Next, […]
155: TribeVesting
Podcast: Download
When I first described by “work” to my CPA, Tom Wheelwright, he said, “So you are an entrepreneur who just happens to be a surgeon”. I hadn’t thought about it that way, but I guess that’s what I am. Now listen, I don’t take the label “entrepreneur” necessarily as a complement. It’s more of an […]
154: The Separation of Money from State
Podcast: Download
It’s funny how long lasting paradigms perpetuate without question for centuries without being questioned. It used to be in most places, specific religions were mandated by the government to its people and heretics were persecuted. Of course that still exists in many parts of the world but the point is that a large part of […]
152: History of Money, Gold and Crypto
Podcast: Download
I was just interviewed on a podcast earlier today and we got on the topic of gold. You know that I’m not a huge advocate for precious metals right now. Anyway, the argument became a little familiar. Ie. The global economy is going to melt down, there will be a zombie apocalypse and the the […]
151: How to 1031 into a PASSIVE Asset
Podcast: Download
You may know that by the end of last tax year, I sold most of the real estate that I held by myself—as owner and operator? Why? Well, first of all, I realized that to do real estate right, it really is not ever TRULY passive unless you have a full time operator doing all […]
150: How to Invest in Pain
Podcast: Download
Remember when you were a kid and you would go to the doctor? Your parents revered your doctor. The held him in high esteem. They trusted him. They would never say things like, “He’s just doing that test so he can make some extra money” or “He’s getting kickbacks from the drug company”. These are […]
149: Real Investors of Wealth Formula: The Goose
Podcast: Download
To all those who made it out to Scottsdale last weekend, it was great to see you! Of course I’m biased, but I have NEVER seen such a high quality group of people at an investors event before ours. You guys are by far the most interesting podcast listeners in the entire podcast ecosystem—guaranteed. Of […]