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072: Automate Streams of Income Through Amazon!

Robert Kiyosaki opened my eyes to the notion of passive multiple income streams 9 years ago and it changed my life. Of course, my dad had been talking about “cash flow investing” since I was born but for some reason I was too dense to figure out what he meant. In the context of Kiyosaki, […]

070: Real Estate Investing with Russell Gray!

I have said on a number of occasions that Wealth Formula Podcast is NOT a Real Estate Show. So why do we talk so much about real estate? Well, for people who want to grow their wealth, there simply is no other asset class with a better track record and more upside than real estate. […]

069: Deconstructing Destructive Belief Systems

I have arrived to Southern California and I am now writing to you from my new office which, for the first time in Wealth Formula Podcast History, is NOT a part of my home. This time away from the show has given me some time to reflect. I do have a lot to say to […]

068: Going to California

When I was in high school, I used to BLAST Led Zeppelin on my drive to school. My favorite album was Led Zeppelin IV. My music tastes haven’t changed much since then. In fact, my music repertoire pretty much ends 1992–the year I graduated high school. Even ’92 is a bit late for most of […]

067: Estate and Asset Planning ESSENTIALS with Kevin Day

Several weeks ago, I sent out a “Weekly Wealth Widget” about BASIC estate planning–the stuff you absolutely have to have to protect your family in case you die. I was amazed at the high percentage of people who did not already have this information. That’s downright scary. Listen–no one likes to think about dying much […]

066: G. Edward Griffin and the Institutionalized Theft of Your Money

I have been on a real anti-conventional wisdom kick lately if you haven’t noticed. You see, I think that conventional wisdom in personal finance is a big Wall Street scam! Invest in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds for the long run? Why is that conventional wisdom? Well, who benefits if you continuously dump money into […]