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085: Accredited to Accredited with Gena Lofton

I am a refugee of the Thomas fires that crept dangerously close to my home in Montecito, CA. That’s why my audio sucks on the introduction of this week’s podcast. Fortunately the actual interview was done before my evacuation. As I mentioned in the introduction of last week’s show, I woke up to ash on […]

084: Preparing for the Storm with Chris Martenson

I cannot tell a lie… Despite the fact that I am a libertarian and seem to run in circles with some pretty depressing people: I do not see the future filled with doom and gloom. I do not believe that the United States is screwed and that you should start preparing for Armageddon. I do […]

083: What You Need to Know About Gold with Dana Samuelson

Thousands of years ago, in the Roman Times of Christ, you would go to your local store and trade your ounce of gold coins for a nice toga and a pair of sandals—something worthy of wearing to the coliseum. Today, an ounce of gold will buy you a pretty nice suit and a pair of shoes—something […]

082: The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels

Why do you believe what you believe? Are you a republican or a democrat? Are you pro-choice or pro-life? How about guns? Should guns be outlawed in the United States? Do you ever look at the “other side” and wonder if they are absolutely nuts? “How could they believe what they believe and stand for […]

081: Become an “Insider” with Nick Hodge

When you listen to my podcast or read my book, you might think I am rigid about my investing. After all, the principals of wealth creation that I teach are: Invest in cash flowing assets. Understand how your investments work. Invest in real things—things you can see touch and feel. Invest in things that people […]

080: Ask Buck

Being a podcaster is kind of unusual. Last month I had over 30K downloads (not bad) yet I only speak to a fraction of you through investor club. Even fewer of you know each other despite the fact that you have a lot in common. The good news is that I will be launching a […]