030: Buying Turnkey Rental Houses in Alabama!
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Real asset investing is not limited to the rich. In fact, if you look at the crowdfunding movement on the internet, you can now invest in just about anything you want. Crowdfunding laws in recent years were intended to rectify the “unfair advantage” that the more affluent had to investments with greater profit potential. But… […]
029: Assisted Living: Huge Profits and Good Deeds!
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No one wants to get old but it’s better than the alternative. Imagine getting to that age when you are unable to take care of yourself and you start feeling like a burden on your kids. What do you do? These days, most people in this situation end up at an assisted living facility. When […]
028: The Story EVERY Real Estate Investor Must Hear!
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I have talked about Jorge Newbery several times on my show in the past. It has always been in the context of his 12 percent yield mind blowing fund. But little did I know that before that, Jorge was a real estate prodigy making literally millions of dollars from dilapidated, rejected, apartment buildings and resurrecting […]
027: Robert Kiyosaki’s Advisor Tom Wheelwright on TAX FREE WEALTH
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This show is about Tax Free Wealth with Tom Wheelwright. So with all my posts about taxes and my special report, you are probably thinking I’m a little obsessed with this whole tax thing. Well, I am and it’s in part because I read this book called Tax Free Wealth from Tom Wheelwright about 3 […]
026: Attention: This show will make you money!
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I am not your typical physician if you have not figured that out. I am more of a “raging entrepreneur”. That doesn’t mean I’ve had only success. In fact, without question, I’ve failed lots of times but the difference between most people and me is that I keep trying until something sticks. I’ve used this […]
025: What’s your Investment Philosophy?
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To be a successful investor, you must have a personal investment philosophy. You need to think about not only the deal but whether or not it fits in with your own goals and your view of the world. In this week’s episode of Wealth Formula Podcast, I give you my own framework for investing that […]
024: Ask Buck: Gold, Debt, and Inflation
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My goal with the Wealth Formula Podcast is to build a community of likeminded individuals who can learn from one another. A community implies some level of interaction. Therefore, every once in a while I like to do a little show called “Ask Buck”. In this week’s Ask Buck episode, we had some pretty interesting […]