06: Why Savers Are Losers
Robert Kiyosaki famously says “savers are losers”. What does this mean? Would you leave your money in the bank if they took money out of the account every month instead of giving you interest? My guess is that you would try to figure out where else to keep your money. After all, who wants a […]
05: Should You Invest in Residential Real Estate?
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This week’s weekly wealth widget is sort of no-brainer for most of us. However, if you are still sitting on real estate sidelines, this one is for you. Here are just a few reasons why you strongly consider investing in residential real estate. You own a real asset that does not fluctuate on a day […]
04: Leverage is the Weapon of the Wealthy
This week, we are going to talk about a topic that tends to be a hot button topic–leverage. First of all, let’s define leverage. Broadly speaking, leverage in finance could define anything that has the ability to increase investment returns. It could be something like having great financial advisors or help to maximize your own […]
03: How Cap Rates Change And Using Them In Valuation
Wealth Formula Nation, Welcome back to our weekly wealth widget. Last week we defined capitalization rate aka “cap rate”. To review, cap rate=NOI/Purchase price. Cap rate can also be seen as the yield of a given asset without leverage. How is cap rate used practically speaking? Well, markets typically have a market cap rate which […]
02: Cap Rate
In last week’s Weekly Wealth Widget, we talked about Net Operating Income (NOI). To summarize, this is basically the net income after all revenues and expenses without a mortgage. Another critically important term in the language of real estate investing is the capitalization rate or simply “cap rate.” The cap rate is simply defined by […]
01: What Is NOI?
Wealth Formula Nation, As promised, I present to you the first weekly wealth widget. For some of you, most of these emails will be review. However, if you give a quick glance to each one every week, you might learn something. We are going to start very basic. Let’s talk about the term Net Operating […]