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Basic Finance Bootcamp Lesson 5: Municipal Bonds

You’re probably sick of talking bonds by now, but we have one more category that we have to cover before you have all the basics that you need in this category. This last major bond category is municipal bonds. As the name implies, municipal bonds are bonds issued by local and state governments. While most […]

Basic Finance Bootcamp Lesson 4: Treasury Bills, Notes, Bonds, TIPS, and STRIPS

This is lesson 4 in my basic finance bootcamp series. I hope you are not getting bored to death. Again, think of this as the foundation for many of the more exciting, exotic topics we discuss in the futre. In the last lesson, we talked about bonds. Bonds can be issued by private companies but […]

Basic Finance Bootcamp Lesson #3: Introduction to Notes and Bonds

We were going to talk about preferred stocks today but I wanted to fix up the post a little so it would be more clear. So, instead, today we will skip ahead to an introduction to notes and bonds. An Introduction to Notes and Bonds In addition to issuing common or preferred equity to raise […]

Basic Finance Bootcamp Lesson #2: Introduction to the Stock Market

              Today we continue with our basic finance bootcamp. Remember that the purpose of this boot camp is to get everyone caught up to speed on basic financial terminology, etc.so we all speak the same language for our more sophisticated posts/discussions. If I miss something you would like to […]

The Concept of Scalability

To some the idea of scalability is not a new concept…particularly for those with a background in business. However, to other professionals, this might be a foreign concept so it’s important to talk about it in the context of entrepreneurship and even in investing. If a business is considered “scalable”, it is something that has […]

Being Rich Versus Being Wealthy

Is there a difference between being rich and being wealthy? Everyone will have a different definition of this if you ask. I remember the comedian, Chris Rock, saying that professional athletes are rich and the people who own the teams are wealthy. I guess that’s one way to look at it. Let me tell you […]