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406: Wealth Without Wall Street

When I first started podcasting a decade ago, I was very anti-Wall Street. But what does that even mean? I guess I hadn’t really contemplated that. My show started not long after the financial meltdown of 2008-2009. For many of us, the greed that was unveiled during that period was eye-opening as we saw major […]

What are penny stocks?

What are penny stocks anyway? You always here about them but does anyone actually invest in them? Well, some do and do quite well. However, it is a very specialized area of investing and should be approached cautiously. Here’s a basic run down of how they work. Investing in penny stocks is an option many […]

What is a hedge fund?

You hear about hedge funds all the time, but what is a hedge fund? If you watch the news or read about current events online, you might have a negative association with the term ‘hedge fund’. In recent years, there have been some major financial disasters related to hedge funds, and more specifically hedge fund […]

What is the foreign exchange market (Forex)?

So what is the foreign exchange market (FOREX) anyway? It’s something I’ve never really tried myself, but it’s a really interesting concept and might be fun to try out if you like the game. Also, there are a whole bunch of automated forex robots that many people claim work. We might even try one out […]

Basic Finance Bootcamp Lesson 7: Market Orders Versus Limit Orders

So now that you know a little bit about how the stock market works, let’s make sure you have some of the lingo down. As you will see below, ignorance on some of these terms can make your slick trading techniques costly. Today we are going to discuss market orders versus limit orders. The most […]

Basic Finance Bootcamp Lesson 6: Preferred Stock

We already talked about common stock in a previous post so this is a little out of order. However, better late than never. For completeness, here is a discussion about preferred stock. Enjoy. Preferred Stock When most corporations want to raise money, they do so by borrowing money or issuing new common equity (i.e., common […]

Basic Finance Bootcamp Lesson #2: Introduction to the Stock Market

              Today we continue with our basic finance bootcamp. Remember that the purpose of this boot camp is to get everyone caught up to speed on basic financial terminology, etc.so we all speak the same language for our more sophisticated posts/discussions. If I miss something you would like to […]